Nacra 5.8 new square top pentax mainsail available
Nacra Australia has developed a new Sail plain for the Nacra 5.8
We have a special for the first 20 sold.
We are offering a discount for the first 20 sold plus a discount on a set of foam battens as well.
The new pentax square top is quite a bit easier to sail with not as much as downhaul required to depower the boat.
This will help lighter crews and with the 10-1 mainsheet know class legal will make it even easier to sail to.
It is not designed as a performance advantage but was a necessary change to the phase out of the old material worldwide.
The Nacra 5.8 platform has proven to last the test of time with 20 plus year old boats still able to compete competitively in major events.
The new sail look will only increase the class’ popularity and give the boat an updated look.
11 sold so far